Name One Male Terf

Without lying

1 min readJan 22, 2021

That’s because ‘terf’ is only used to describe women. Women who disagree. Most often due to trauma — many victims of rape feel uncomfortable with being in the same room as a man. Forget about it.

Shame on anybody who dances around gleefully squealing about terfs. Terf is a word like ‘bitch’ is a word. It isn’t new. It doesn't do a lot to improve the lives of transgender people either.

That’s what I love the most: the phoney and indignant assertion that being derogatory and vile towards people is somehow acceptable because it's all about standing up for a trans friend or family member.

Any transgender friends and family members sitting down at dinner saying, “You know, I can’t thank you enough for bullying that woman for me today”?

Can’t say I blame you — it’s difficult to show compassion towards people you don’t believe deserve it. It’s much easier to lower your own humanity and engage in hypocritical tyranny towards somebody you disagree with than show respect and humility. Spoilt children act this way, too.

Very cool.




Transgender Man & Radical Artist | Your Approval Is Not Required | He/Him