Truthful Answers to Transgender Questions

A Rare Read

4 min readDec 31, 2020

What does it mean to be transgender?

The term ‘Transgender’ is a new word derived from it’s original term, ‘transsexual’, to describe a person who suffers from a mental illness in which the sufferer experiences depression and discomfort with their biological sex — hence, the option of surgical and hormonal transition is used to ease their discomfort. The decision to remove or surgically attach body parts such as sexual organs is an extreme form of body modification, and can only be deemed necessary if the suffering of the patient can not be alleviated in any other way. For medical practitioners to betray their Hippocratic oath to do no harm, we must consider the use of surgical intervention to remove or alter otherwise healthy human tissue to be the more humane consideration.

How does someone know that they are transgender?

Gender is a cultural construction of society to describe the positions and expectations of men and women within that society. The role of women in the Western World is far different from women of Eastern culture, for example. Gender denotes the stereotypical behaviours of men and women within a certain culture, which is shaped by the political, historical and environmental factors affecting the way of life of those with that society.

In a society that perceives women to be inferior beings, for example, the gender expression of women might be politeness, submissiveness and humility in the service of their male peers. A woman who is loud, aggressive or outgoing within this society, is an example of a woman who goes against the norms of her gender role. This does not make this woman a man, even if her personality share traits with many men within her society.

What’s the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity?

Gender describes the societal position of male or female within a society. It is not an ‘identity’ the way one might find a sense of relation to being ‘a goth’ or a “skater boi’. An identity is the sum of all parts that make up an individual person.

Sexual orientation describes the attraction to male or female bodies regardless of the expectations placed on the male or female gender. Women can be attracted to men or women, and men can be attracted to women or men. Both men and women can be attracted to both. What is proven beyond a doubt, is that sexual orientation cannot be successfully changed through therapy or by trying really hard not to be gay.

Gender isn’t an identity. If you’re entire personhood revolves around one single asset such as “I’m a man” or “I’m a woman”, it would suggest a rather empty personality with not much else to think about.

What’s the difference between being transgender and being intersex?

Intersex is a rare medical condition in which a person is both with physical characteristics of both male and female sexes. Gender dysphoria is a symptom of mental illness and disordered thinking.

What is the difference between being transgender and being gender non-conforming?

Gender, as we’ve previously discussed, is the norm to which men and women within a culture refer to in their interaction within their society. In the Western World, men who conform to masculine stereotypes and interests, such as hunting, sports and drinking culture would be considered normal men. In this culture, a man who doesn’t have any interests in those considered normal within that society would be considered as not conforming to gender stereotypes.

What does it mean to have a gender that’s not male or female?

There is no gender that is male or female. Female and male describe the biological makeup of a person.

Why don’t transgender people get counseling to accept the gender they were assigned at birth?

Because corporations invested billions into the pharmaceutical industry to influence policymakers into forming legislation within anti-discrimination acts that make counselling somebody experiencing gender dysphoria ‘conversion therapy’. Doctors who don’t want to lose their rights to practise medicine have no choice but to subvert their reasoning in order to comply with the legislation.

What does “gender transition” mean?

‘Gender transition’ can be roughly translated to meaning ‘somebody who dresses or publically behaves in a way they think is normal of the opposite sex’. For a man with gender dysphoria, this might mean wearing dresses and stockings, because he believes that he is a woman, and wearing stockings is something that women do.

What are some of the official records transgender people may change when they’re transitioning?

Whatever they want. What is important is that if a male who transitions to (his concept of being) a woman, the right to change his name and sex on legal documents legally affords him whatever legal protections exist for women. I.e. If his birth certificate says “biological sex = woman”, he will be placed into a women’s prison amongst women who cannot escape if he decides to cause harm to them while incarcerated.

  • Driver’s license
  • Social Security card
  • Passport
  • Bank accounts and records
  • Credit cards
  • Paychecks and other job-related documents
  • Leases
  • Medical records
  • Birth certificate
  • Academic records

What medical treatments do some transgender people seek when transitioning?

The cosmetic surgery industry has an endless list of procedures to sell you based on your insecurity. Always has.

Why is transgender equality important?

All human beings deserve compassion and equal opportunity to pursue happiness.




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